Comics tagged with 'gods'

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    Root & Branch
    Root & Branch
    Creator(s): Pink Pitcher
    Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Fantasy
    Content Warnings: abduction/kidnapping, blood/gore, non-sexual nudity, violence
    Update Schedule: Mondays, Wednesdays

    Summary: Ariana has left her people and her lands, traveling far afield in search of the Great Tree and its legendary healing powers. She has encountered the mythical humans, and is slowly learning their strange ways. What troubles is she fleeing? And on this adventure, what troubles will she find?

    An epic fantasy tale with interesting characters, unexpected adventure, action, drama, and laughter! In beautiful, fully rendered, lush watercolors. Immerse yourself in the journey!
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    Creator(s): Eightfish
    Genre(s): Drama, Urban Fantasy
    Content Warnings: none listed
    Update Schedule: Sundays

    Summary: A self-proclaimed minor goddess offers Eli the ability to leave his body and take control of people.