November 1, 2015

SpiderForest news for November!

Happy Halloween from SpiderForest! Here's the latest comic news for the coming month!

[one_third position="first"] square_soultocall Soul to Call is releasing a 5-page extra comic that takes place a day before the comic's first chapter. You can view a new page each week by voting on Top Webcomics, or view the entire comic right now on Patreon for a $1 pledge! [/one_third] [one_third position="middle"] square_novconsmaryanne Maryanne Rose Papke, creator of Xylobone Tomes, will be at two different conventions in November! ComiqueCon and Genghis Con. And she has a new Tile minicomic coming out! [/one_third] [one_third position="last"] square_whatittakes What it Takes hit another Patreon goal! Readers now get three extra Monday updates every month! [/one_third]
nov2015_oome nov2015_chirault nov2015_sombulus nov2015_demonarchives
The Out of My Element team has unveiled a new logo and will be updating their website shortly! Chirault has started Chapter 21 this month! Act 5 of Sombulus wraps up in November! November marks The Demon Archives 2 year anniversary! Now over 200 pages in, posting Chapter 8.

Back in action for November!

[table] We have a lot of comics coming out of hiatus! Welcome them back by reading their new pages!
nov2015_ddwg Damsels Don't Wear Glasses nov2015_altargirl
Altar Girl
Dark White
nov2015_nahast Nahast: Lands of Strife nov2015_gemutations
Gemutations: Plague
The Only Half Saga

See you next year!

[table] The following comics are on a much-deserved break, but slated to come back in the new year! This is the perfect time to catch up on the archive!
nov2015_leylines LeyLines nov2015_dreamscar

Comic Anniversaries

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